In divorce mediation, the couple meet together with one divorce mediator. The mediator helps the parties identify issues, generate options, and reach an agreement on all financial and child-related issues. The goal of mediation is to reach a divorce agreement that is fair and reasonable for both of them given the facts and circumstances of their case.
What is Divorce Mediation in MA?
Divorce mediation is a positive process of compromise-based dispute resolution. This contrasts dramatically with divorce litigation where the husband and wife each get a lawyer and the goal is to “win”. Divorce litigation is often about trying to make the other side look bad. Divorce litigation is typically an adversarial and negative process which is costly in time, money and stress.
The divorce mediator is neutral. He does not represent either party. Rather, he creates a cooperative environment where the couple can work together to reach agreement on the terms of their divorce. Both parties have the right to consult with their own attorneys during the process if they wish. Once an agreement is reached, our experienced mediator will write up the agreement into a document called a “separation agreement” which the parties need to file in Court to get a divorce.
Divorce Mediation is How Smart People Get Divorced
The goal of divorce mediation is to reach an agreement to end a marriage that is fair and reasonable for both parties, using a fast and low-cost process. Mediation is lower cost because both parties use one mediator instead of each person paying their own lawyer. Mediation is faster because once you reach an agreement, you can get divorced within a few weeks. Divorce litigation often takes a year or more before you get a divorce.
This is the way smart people get divorced.