– Divorce mediation is the least expensive way to get divorced. Divorce mediator fees are typically much less than divorce attorney fees.
– Divorce mediation is a positive process where spouses cooperate to reach a result that is fair and reasonable for both of them and their children. Divorce litigation is a negative, stressful, adversarial and expensive process which can hurt you and your family.
– Divorce mediation is better for your children. Conflict between parents is bad for kids, and a skilled mediator like Stig Bolgen can help lower the level of conflict between you and your spouse during the divorce process.
– Divorce mediation lets you and your spouse control the final outcome. In divorce litigation a judge or third party could be making the decisions that affect you and your family.
– Divorce mediation is an efficient and streamlined process that will get you through this difficult time faster and with less stress.
– Divorce mediation is confidential. Divorce litigation takes place in public courtrooms and creates a paper file that can be accessed by the public.
Our divorce mediator meets with both spouses together. He helps the couple identify the issues that need to be resolved in order to get a divorce, and helps the couple resolve disputed issues. The ultimate goal is to draft the written agreement necessary for a divorce.
Divorce mediation with us costs $270 per hour. In addition to paying for the time used in mediation sessions, we charge for time spent writing the Separation Agreement. Mediation is by far the cheapest way to get a divorce.
Our office is located in Woburn, MA. We offer day and evening appointments during the week, and also on Saturday mornings. All divorce mediation services are available by videoconference. Call or email to set up a free initial consultation.